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Data API

Data Properties

Our components can automatically fetch meta data from the URL you provide by passing a href attribute. However, you can also pass the data manually like this:

  title="This Title Was Manually Passed"
  description="This description was manually passed. The data was not fetched from the URL because no href was provided."
  imageAlt="Lorem Ipsum Image"

You can find all properties in the API documentation. But, here are the most important properties you can pass to the components:

urlIf the href is not provided, the url will be used to fetch the link preview data.stringnull
titleA manually set title for the link preview.string''
descriptionA manually set description for the link preview.stringnull
authorA manually set author for the link preview.stringnull
imageUrlA manually set image URL for the link preview.stringnull
imageAltA manually set image alt text for the link preview.stringnull
faviconUrlA manually set favicon URL for the link preview. If not provided, a fallback favicon will be used.stringnull
dateA manually set date for the link preview.stringnull

HTML Attributes

Our custom elements always contain an anchor tag with the href attribute.

You can customize the anchor tag with the following attributes:

targetSpecifies where to open the linked document. E.g. _blank, _self._blank
relSpecifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document. E.g. noopener, nofollow.undefined